

Special trees, Mediterranean trees and special tree species.

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Bomen-trees Poncirus trifoliata - Citrus trifoliata - Wild lemon
Bomen-trees Poncirus trifoliata - Citrus trifoliata - Wild lemon

Poncirus trifoliata or wild lemon is an attractive plant, blooms in the early summer with fragrant flowers and gets decorative fruits

Poncirus trifoliata or wild lemon is an attractive plant, blooms in the early summer with fragrant flowers and gets decorative fruits
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Bomen-trees Pinus pinea - Pine
Bomen-trees Pinus pinea - Pine

Pinus pinea is a pine, evergreen and hardy, growing with capricious branches and edible pine seeds

Pinus pinea is a pine, evergreen and hardy, growing with capricious branches and edible pine seeds
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Bomen-trees Ginkgo biloba
Bomen-trees Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba gets beautiful fan-shaped green leaf and discolored beautiful yellow in late fall

Ginkgo biloba gets beautiful fan-shaped green leaf and discolored beautiful yellow in late fall
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Bomen-trees Ceratonia siliqua
Bomen-trees Ceratonia siliqua

Ceratonia siliqua can be kept as a pot plant, grows slowly and is good as pruning bonsai

Ceratonia siliqua can be kept as a pot plant, grows slowly and is good as pruning bonsai
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Bomen-trees Eucalyptus gunnii - Eucalyptus tree
Bomen-trees Eucalyptus gunnii - Eucalyptus tree

Eucalyptus gunnii or gum tree is an evergreen eucalyptus tree, the leaf smells deliciously to eucalyptus, gets a nice bark

Eucalyptus gunnii or gum tree is an evergreen eucalyptus tree, the leaf smells deliciously to eucalyptus, gets a nice bark
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Bomen-trees Sapindus mukorossi - Soap tree
Bomen-trees Sapindus mukorossi - Soap tree

Sapindus mukorossi also known as soap tree is a versatile plant. The nuts contain soap

Sapindus mukorossi also known as soap tree is a versatile plant. The nuts contain soap
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Bomen-trees Poncirus trifoliata Flying Dragon - Wild lemon
Bomen-trees Poncirus trifoliata Flying Dragon - Wild lemon

Poncirus trifoliata Flying Dragon is a wild lemon with beautiful twisted stems and branches that are deep green colored

Poncirus trifoliata Flying Dragon is a wild lemon with beautiful twisted stems and branches that are deep green colored
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Bomen-trees Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn Redwood
Bomen-trees Metasequoia glyptostroboides - Dawn Redwood

Metasequoia glyptostroboides also called Dawn Redwood, fast growing deciduous conifer, discolored yellow-orange in autumn

Metasequoia glyptostroboides also called Dawn Redwood, fast growing deciduous conifer, discolored yellow-orange in autumn
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Bomen-trees Maclura pomifera Cannonball - Osage thorn
Bomen-trees Maclura pomifera Cannonball - Osage thorn

Maclura pomifera Cannonball, also called Osage thorn and Osage orange or Cannonball gets decorative fruits weighing up to a kilo

Maclura pomifera Cannonball, also called Osage thorn and Osage orange or Cannonball gets decorative fruits weighing up to a kilo
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Bomen-trees Pistacia vera - Pistachio tree
Bomen-trees Pistacia vera - Pistachio tree

Pistachio vera or pistachio is the only plant for getting real pistachios

Pistachio vera or pistachio is the only plant for getting real pistachios
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Bomen-trees Parrotia persica - Persian ironwood
Bomen-trees Parrotia persica - Persian ironwood

Parrotia persica also called Persian ironwood gets small red flowers in early spring and has great discoloration in autumn

Parrotia persica also called Persian ironwood gets small red flowers in early spring and has great discoloration in autumn
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Bomen-trees Eucalyptus globulus - Blue gom tree
Bomen-trees Eucalyptus globulus - Blue gom tree

Eucalyptus globulus is a winter green eucalyptus tree. The grey/green large leaves of the blue gum tree give off a delicious eucalyptus smell

Eucalyptus globulus is a winter green eucalyptus tree. The grey/green large leaves of the blue gum tree give off a delicious eucalyptus smell
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Bomen-trees Pistacia lentiscus
Bomen-trees Pistacia lentiscus

Pistacia lentiscus a popular small tree for bonsai lovers, grows slowly and is evergreen, blooms in the summer

Pistacia lentiscus a popular small tree for bonsai lovers, grows slowly and is evergreen, blooms in the summer
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Bomen-trees Araucaria auracana - Monkey Puzzle Tree
Bomen-trees Araucaria auracana - Monkey Puzzle Tree

Araucaria Auracana is also known as snakepine or monkey puzzle tree. The thorns that grow on this Argentinian/Chilean tree are very sharp and recognizeable.

Araucaria Auracana is also known as snakepine or monkey puzzle tree. The thorns that grow on this Argentinian/Chilean tree are very sharp and recognizeable.
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Bomen-trees Quercus suber - Cork oak
Bomen-trees Quercus suber - Cork oak

Quercus suber is a cork oak, they grow very erratic and get a very nice cork layer, cork oaks are evergreen and hardy

Quercus suber is a cork oak, they grow very erratic and get a very nice cork layer, cork oaks are evergreen and hardy
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Bomen-trees Halesia carolina - Carolina Silverbell
Bomen-trees Halesia carolina - Carolina Silverbell

Halesia carolina also called Carolina Silverbell and blooms abundantly with white flowers in spring

Halesia carolina also called Carolina Silverbell and blooms abundantly with white flowers in spring
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Bomen-trees Sequoia sempervirens
Bomen-trees Sequoia sempervirens

Sequoia sempervirens becomes huge and is one of the largest trees in the world

Sequoia sempervirens becomes huge and is one of the largest trees in the world
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Bomen-trees Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo
Bomen-trees Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo

Nyssa aquatica or water tupelo is a tree that originates from the swampy southeast of the United States and thrives well on wet soil.

Nyssa aquatica or water tupelo is a tree that originates from the swampy southeast of the United States and thrives well on wet soil.
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Bomen-trees Olea europaea - Olive tree
Bomen-trees Olea europaea - Olive tree

Olea europaea or olive tree has beautiful leaves, get in a good summer olive fruits and older olive trees have beautiful stems

Olea europaea or olive tree has beautiful leaves, get in a good summer olive fruits and older olive trees have beautiful stems
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Bomen-trees Koelreuteria paniculata - Golden rain tree
Bomen-trees Koelreuteria paniculata - Golden rain tree

Koelreuteria paniculata also called Golden rain tree or Chinese varnish tree gets yellow flowers and special lampion-like fruits, discolored yellow and orange in autumn

Koelreuteria paniculata also called Golden rain tree or Chinese varnish tree gets yellow flowers and special lampion-like fruits, discolored yellow and orange in autumn
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Bomen-trees Eucalyptus perriniana - Eucalyptus tree
Bomen-trees Eucalyptus perriniana - Eucalyptus tree

Eucalyptus perriniana or gum tree is a eucalyptus tree whose leaf grows around the leaf stem and smells nice and fresh to eucalyptus

Eucalyptus perriniana or gum tree is a eucalyptus tree whose leaf grows around the leaf stem and smells nice and fresh to eucalyptus
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Bomen-trees Eucalyptus gunnii "French Bleu" - Eucalyptus tree
Bomen-trees Eucalyptus gunnii "French Bleu" - Eucalyptus tree

Eucalyptus gunnii "French Bleu" tree is an evergreen eucalyptus tree. The leaves of this Eucalyptus are smaller compared to the regular gunni and are therefore more suitable to be kept as a bush.

Eucalyptus gunnii "French Bleu" tree is an evergreen eucalyptus tree. The leaves of this Eucalyptus are smaller compared to the regular gunni and are therefore more suitable to be kept as a bush.
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Bomen-trees Cupressus sempervirens Pyramidalis - Italian cypress
Bomen-trees Cupressus sempervirens Pyramidalis - Italian cypress

Cupressus sempervirens Pyramidal is the famous Italian cypress from Tuscany and other Mediterranean regions in Italy

Cupressus sempervirens Pyramidal is the famous Italian cypress from Tuscany and other Mediterranean regions in Italy
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Bomen-trees Davidia involucrata - Handkerchief tree
Bomen-trees Davidia involucrata - Handkerchief tree

Davidia involucrata or Handkerchief or Luierboom called brown/purple flowers and special cream-colored bracts that resemble handkerchiefs

Davidia involucrata or Handkerchief or Luierboom called brown/purple flowers and special cream-colored bracts that resemble handkerchiefs
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Special trees, Mediterranean trees and special tree species.

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