Cydonia oblonga is also known as quince or Cydonia vulgaris. In Italian it's grown very commonly and is known as Mela Cotogna or Cotogno. The tree originates from Armenia, Georgia and Iran. For many decades the quince was introduced in different Mediteranean countries and cultivated. This fruitbearing tree grows quite slowly and likes a sunny place in your garden.
The blossom arrives in april/may and is white/pink in colour. The flowers are quite big and can reach up to 4-5 cm in diameter. The tree itself may reach a height of up to 5/6 meter. Cutting can best be done in the month of May if necessary. Branches are quite easy to guide.
The leaves are oval shaped and are about 10cm long and 5 cm wide, the upperside is dark green and underneath it's grey and covered in small hairs. In autumn the leaves turn bright yellow and give a nice contrast in the garden. The fruit ripens in Oktober when they are coloured golden/yellow. The pear or apple shaped fruits can become over 15cm long.
The fruits themselves smell delicious and are hairy on the outside. Raw they are quite sour and very hard to eat. However when boiled quince is very tasty to make into a jam or compote.
Winter hardiness: Zone 6a (-25ºC)