Synsepalum dulcificum is also called Miracle berry. This plant originating from tropical West Africa has a special quality.
The Miracle berry grows rather slowly and can be kept as a container plant, after many years the plant will be about 80/100 cm high. The plant grows bush-like and the leaf is oval in shape.
Small red oval edible berries, 2 cm long and 1 cm thick, appear in summer and have a strange characteristic.
When one has eaten a berry, everything that is very sour tastes incredibly sweet and delicious afterwards. For example, if you eat a sour lemon, it tastes deliciously sweet.
And for example sour juices are sweet in taste, this taste modifying ability the plant owes to Glycoprotein also called miraculine.
The substance Glycoprotein which is deposited on the taste receptors of the tongue and which subsequently tastes sweet or sour in taste. The effect lasts about 30 minutes with 1 to 2 berries. If a handful is eaten, the effect takes longer. The berries also contain many antioxidants and anticancer properties due to different amides.
In tropical Africa, the miracle berry has spatial berries for a large part of the year. With us this will only be the case in the summer months.
A place half shade is fine for this plant, not in the bright afternoon sun.
Just good permeable potting soil is sufficient.
Overwintering in a cool place above + 6ºC is ideal and then the plant is evergreen.
Winter hardiness zone 10 (+ 6ºC).