Eetbare tuin-edible garden Prunus avium "New Star" - Sweet cherry

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Product information
  • Article number: PRUPEPL01

Prunus avium "New Star" is a self pollinating cherry tree. This species is very well suited for the northern European climate since it ripens early in the year. If the weather is not that good the fruit will ripen later in the year. The flowering of this tree can be called spectacular. The big white flowers that appear on the branches of the tree in spring give a very nice view.

The fruits are bright red in colour and is one of the speces where self pollination is very easy. If you want fruit in your garden you can do so with just this one plant. Crosspolination will give higher yield and bigger fruit but not everyone can place two trees in their garden. 

The leaves of this tree are lancet shaped and nice freshly green. This contrasts very good with the bright red fruits. The tree is very hardy and loses it's leaves in winter. The fruit can be eaten out of hand or used in various dishes. The fruit ripens in early july.

Winter hardness zone 6a (-24ºC).

  • Article number: PRUPEPL01
  • Minimum temperature: -24ºC
  • Location: Sunny, light shade
  • Soil type: No special requirements
  • Water requirement: Light damp
  • Full ground:
  • Tub plant:
  • Flowering period: 4-5
  • Origin / habitat: France
  • Growth rate: Normal
  • Maximum plant height: 3-4 meters
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Eetbare tuin-edible garden Prunus avium  "New Star" - Sweet cherry
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