Citrus australasica also called finger lime and lime caviar called a delicious exotic and rare citrus from the tropical part of Australia. Also known as Microcitrus australasica or Microcitrus verde.
The citrus plant is rarely available and blossoms like a regular citrus with deliciously scented blossoms. The leaf is much smaller than the other citrus and the spikes have thorns similar to the lemon.
The sweet smell of the leaf and the blossom of the caviar lime betray which fruit will soon appear.
In the case of Citrus australasica, the elongated fruits are the shape of a finger. Hence the name finger lime or finger lime in English. The fruits grow up to 10 cm long and 2-3 cm in diameter.
The fruit of this citrus is very special and tastes deliciously fresh. When the skin is broken or cut, the inside is filled with caviar-like balls.
The inside is seamless and the flesh can have different colors, depending on the ripening, they can be red, pink, yellow, orange and green. It is very aromatic and similar to the fresh taste of lime, a truly delicious delicacy.
After the winter in spring, the finger lime out again, do this after there is definitely no more chance on frost.
Now the water need may be raised again, but keep it moderate (not giving too much).
Also give liquid fertilizer to the plant every 3 weeks, from April to the end of September. This will respond immediately and new shoots start to grow.
Grow shoots for a long time to the extent that the citrus trim back in autumn. This way you keep a desired shape.
However, pruning will not be necessary soon, this plant grows very slowly.
In winter, keep the citrus plant frost free in a lightest possible place.
Few water, once a month is sufficient. No fertilizer anymore.
Winter hardness zone 11 (+ 2ºC).