Bomen-trees Poncirus trifoliata - Citrus trifoliata - Wild lemon

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Product information
  • Article number: PONTRI04

Poncirus trifoliata is very similar to a citrus and is also called the Citrus trifoliata.
The Poncirus trifoliata is very hardy and can be planted in the ground without any problems or can be left outside in a tub.
We also have the Poncirus trifoliata Flying Dragon in our range. This species grows in round forms and the thorns are also all bent so that the whole looks erratic.

The Poncirus trifoliata is in bloom in April and May with large white strong smelling flowers. Then first green and later yellow-colored citrus-like fruits appear.
These fruits are not edible, not that they become ill, but few people appreciate a petroleum flavor.
So it stays with the look and the nice smell of the flowers that you get back from this bush.

Apart from the fruits and the pleasant smell of this plant, the branches are also worth seeing.
These grow quite erratic, round and are olive green in color, later they turn yellow / orange.
As a divide, the Poncirus trifoliata makes an almost impregnable fortress of your garden because of its sharp branches.
This wild lemon is good in a tub because it grows slowly.
Prune in early spring if necessary. Can also be cultivated as a trunk by keeping a main stem free of side branches.
Do not cut back the lateral branches at the desired height. In winter, if in a tub, do not give too much water and do not give more fertilizer.
Winter hardiness zone 6a (-25ºC).

  • Article number: PONTRI04
  • Minimum temperature: -25ºC
  • Location: Sunny, half shadow
  • Soil type: No special requirements
  • Water requirement: Light damp
  • Full ground:
  • Tub plant:
  • Flowering period: 4-5
  • Origin / habitat: China, Japan, Korea
  • Growth rate: Slow
  • Maximum plant height: 2-3 meters
Dirk Milis
Dirk MilisPosted on April 9, 2020 22:16

We hadden de Poncirus Trifoliata in 2016 gekocht bij jullie. Het was eentje op stam met een kleine kroon. Hier staat ie in een hele grote kuip en krijgt relatief weinig water en mest. Dit jaar, april 2020, kan ons geluk niet op want voor het eerst hebben we bloesems. Een prachtig zicht. Wel is er totaal géén geur te bespeuren in tegenstelling tot de gewone citrus variëteiten. Wij zijn supertrots op deze prachtige boom die er in elk seizoen mooi uitziet. Een echte aanrader!

mieke thijm
mieke thijmPosted on June 24, 2017 22:46

vorig jaar voor de winter gekocht. mooie, aparte plant. ik verwachtte dit jaar mei / juni de bloei en de vruchten maar helaas. niets van dit alles. hopelijk vorig jaar meer geluk.

Eduard Brenkman
Eduard BrenkmanPosted on March 31, 2017 08:49

Mooie plant met fris groene jonge bladeren.

Super verpakt en daardoor heel overgekomen

John K.
John K.Posted on October 1, 2016 16:36


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Bomen-trees Poncirus trifoliata - Citrus trifoliata - Wild lemon
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  • Shipping in 2 to 4 business days