Grewia occidentalis also known as crossberry and lavender star is a grateful and rich bloomer with nice fruit. This perennial comes from South Africa. It is an easy container plant that is satisfied on a semi-shade to sunny location.
The leaves are glossy and dark green with the edges serrated. The Grewia occidentalis grows bush-like, but can also be used as a creeper.
Tolerates strong wind very well.
Ordinary potting soil for tub plant is sufficient. In the season from April to the end of September light fertilize every 3 weeks is sufficient.
If you keep the soil light-footed is fine, a short dry period is usually also well tolerated.
The lavender star flowers richly with pink / lavender-colored star-shaped flowers with beautiful yellow stamens from April to October. It is a sea of flowers when the plant starts to flower.
Butterflies also love the flowers.
After flowering, green special four-lobed, almost square edible fruit appears. When these are colored red / brown, they can be eaten.
They taste nice and sweet and were used by bushmen as a snack. Can also be made into tasty jam or marmalade.
There are many recipes on the internet with the use of the berries of the Grewia occidentalis.
The flowers can also be eaten and taste tasty and are rich in protein. Nice to use as a dressing on your salad. also a nice recipe is below.
Magical lavenderstar drink
1 handful of ripe berries
1 cup of milk
A few half-opened flowers.
Put the berries and milk in a pan and bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour through a sieve and sieve and spray in all the flavored milk with the back of a spoon.
Pour into a cup, serve warm. Put a few half-opened flowers on top of the drink and watch as they fully open with the heat of the drink. Smile while everyone claps.
This drink is deliciously malty and sweet with a hint of fruit, creamy in texture and a dreamy caramel color.
The plants can grow to over 150 cm high but can also be pruned. At the end of the flowering season, the plant may be pruned at the desired height.
The lavender star will also grow nicely full and compact.
The Grewia occidentalis is not hardy but will not immediately die off at night. Overwintering in a cool place above + 4ºC is ideal and then the plant is evergreen.
Winter hardiness zone 9b (-3ºC).