- Article number: JASSAGR01
Jasminum sambac Grand Duke or Tuscany is a double-flowered jasmine. The flowers smell wonderful and very strong. In Asia, the flowers are also put in the water overnight, after which the water has the same fresh aroma of the flowers.
The Jasminum sambac can also be found in Indonesia, such as Java, where it spreads its delicious scent on many terraces. However, the Jasminum sambac Grand Duke or Tuscany comes from the Mediterranean area and is a hybrid form of the Jasminum sambac.
The flowers of the Jasminum sambac Grand Duke or Tuscany smell pretty strong and give off a pleasant scent. The flowers are white in color and about 3 cm in size and double-flowered.
In our climate the plant flowers alternately in the summer months. After flowering, the plant will immediately create new buds and start flowering again in a few weeks.
The flowers are also used as an aroma in the jasmine tea and the oil for perfumes is used.
The Buddhists and Hindus use the flowers for offering, these represent the symbol of purity.
The Jasminum sambac Grand Duke or Tuscany is a real exotic and not hardy. Overwinter ideal at a temperature above +6ºC and do not keep the soil too wet if the plant overwinters cool.
From the summer weather the normal watering and fertilizer.
If the plant grows too large, it can be pruned without any problems, you do this in the autumn or early spring.
Winter hardiness zone 10b (4ºC).