Opuntia humifusa cacti in the Netherlands in the full soil? Yes, well and or!
Species that are hardy come from North and South America, these are usually the types we sell and, if desired, can be planted in the full soil.
Opuntia is also very good as a cultivated plant.
For example, we have very good experiences with the Opuntia humifusa that proved to be good winter hard.
The Opuntia humifusa blossoms with a large yellow flower. The bloom takes place in the summer months.
The Opuntia humifusa cactus grows between 30 and 40 cm high.
It is important to plant the Opuntia cactus in a place that is as dry as possible, or else work the ground a little bit on a small hill.
Just mix some sharp sand to make sure the drain is good and a sunny place.
In late autumn, most Opuntia species begin to drain the excess moisture / water into their leaves / stems.
As a result, they go a little sleepy and shrink more or less. This is normal and you do not have to worry that the cactus is dying.
This does the self-preservation cactus so that the frost can not freeze the moisture present in the plant causing it to tear.
In spring when temperatures rise again, the Opuntia will absorb moisture again and the cactus will rebuild and pump its leaves well.
Winter hardness zone 7a (-18ºC).