Bloemen-flowers Paulownia tomentosa - Princess tree

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Product information
  • Article number: PAUTOM01

Paulownia tomentosa is a very special tree because of its large leaves.
The large fresh green leaves grow to over 50 cm long and wide and provide a beautiful shady place in your garden.
This leaf does not appear until the end of flowering.
This very fast growing tree owes its name to the daughter of a tsar named Anna Paulownia.
This tree can grow fast, in a good year it grows at least 2 meters and young plants have a trunk circumference of 60/70 cm in 7 years time. Paulownia doesn't grow completely straight, branches grow and bit with a twist.

In May, beautiful large violet-colored trumpet shaped flowers appear on the in winter leaf-losing tree, as previously noted before the leaf comes to the tree. These flowers smell delicious and look very special on the bare wood.
The core of the flower is yellow / orange in color.
The individual flowers grow on flower-ears in clusters.
Young shoots can get some frost damage in the winter and can be pruned in the spring.
Older branches do not suffer from our winters. If you prune the tree back completely, it will turn over for 1 year with flowers.
Only the flower buds that are made in the autumn for flowering in the spring can be damaged during a more severe winter. This results in less flowering in the spring, with a mild winter the Keizersboom flowers very exuberantly in May.
In June the Paulownia tomentosa gets winged seeds that take hold during the summer.
Winter hardness zone 6b (-20ºC).

  • Article number: PAUTOM01
  • Minimum temperature: -20ºC
  • Location: Sunny, half shadow
  • Soil type: No special requirements
  • Water requirement: Normal
  • Full ground:
  • Tub plant:
  • Flowering period: 4-5
  • Origin / habitat: China
  • Growth rate: Very fast
  • Maximum plant height: 10 meters
Tineke Mortier
Tineke MortierPosted on July 14, 2017 16:35

De Paulownia tomentosa stond al een tijdje op mijn verlanglijstje en nu heb ik er eentje aangekocht.... Heel goed ingepakt samen met nog een paar andere planten die ik had besteld, alleen was de bovenste top omgeknakt tijdens het transport... Heb hem eind mei in de volle grond geplant en ondertussen is die al ferm gegroeid en heeft die een nieuwe hoofdtak aangemaakt.... de bladeren zijn nu al de moeite en die worden nog groter naarmate de boom groeit.... een prachtexemplaar, dus héél tevreden met mijn nieuwe aanwinst.

PieterPosted on October 19, 2016 21:24

In Borgerhout staat in de tuin van het. Werkhuys een prachtig exemplaar. Momenteel met nieuwe bloemknoppen. Bladeren vallen nu wel.

Bernardine Foolen
Bernardine FoolenPosted on February 9, 2016 10:22

Boom zit weer helemaal vol met knoppen, laat het voorjaar maar snel beginnen Is een super mooie bloeiende boom

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Bloemen-flowers Paulownia tomentosa - Princess tree
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  • Shipping in 2 to 4 business days