Bloemen-flowers Pavonia multiflora - Brazilian candles

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Product information
  • Article number: PAVMUL02

Pavonia multiflora also known as Triplochlamys multiflora is a great chicken plant originally derived from Brazil. The Pavonia belongs to the Malvaceae family.
If you are looking for a cultivated plant that blooms almost all year long, the Pavonia multiflora is a good choice.
In addition to being able to stand on the terrace in summer, this plant is also good at indoor indoors in winter.

The bloom usually begins in April and continues until November. If the plant is overwhelming at a temperature of + 12ºC then it will bloom, though it is no longer so powerful.
However, since spring, bloom intensity increases with bright red flowers with bright red elongated petals that initially grow in a columnar form.
The petals open in the shape of a star. The flowers grow from the leaf spoons.

The elongated leaf is fresh green in color and is between 10-15 cm long. The plant grows up and bush and can grow up to 200 cm without pruning.
However, pruning is not a problem at the Pavonia.
This cultivated plant is best in a place with light shade and not in the full afternoon sun.
Feed the plant way 1x every two weeks and keep the potting soil light moist. The higher the humidity, the more the plant it has, you can spray the plant occasionally.
Overwinter at a minimum temperature of + 12ºC and the soil certainly not too wet during hibernation. 
Winter hardness zone 11 (+ 12ºC).

  • Article number: PAVMUL02
  • Minimum temperature: +12ºC
  • Location: Light shade, semi-shadow, shadow
  • Soil type: No special requirements
  • Water requirement: Light damp
  • Full ground:
  • Tub plant:
  • Flowering period: 1-12, flowering up to 12 months
  • Origin / habitat: Brazil
  • Growth rate: Reasonably slow
  • Maximum plant height: 150/200 cm (good pruning)
Diana Lovell-Pank
Diana Lovell-PankPosted on November 25, 2023 11:32

This has been a huge success. It flowers no-stop, seems happy in a pot and is growing really fast. A huge success!

Heiko Warnsinck
Heiko WarnsinckPosted on October 12, 2019 22:10

Wij hebben deze plant al een jaar of 20 in de kamer staan. Niet in de volle zon. We snoeien hem ongeveer eenmaal per jaar. Bijna het hele jaar bloei. Je kunt hem

Marianne Engel
Marianne EngelPosted on October 21, 2018 20:45

Bloeit en groeit al twee jaar! Zou hem graag een beetje snoeien!

Hoe moet ik dit doen?

Marianne Engel
Marianne EngelPosted on June 28, 2017 13:00

De bladeren van mijn Pavonia groeien nauwelijks en krullen naar binnen. Bloeit verder prachtig!

Een ziekte?

Gerhard P.
Gerhard P.Posted on December 21, 2016 08:58

thank you for your great Service; the plants are wonderful

Elle E.
Elle E.Posted on January 9, 2016 15:44

Mooie sterke kuipplant die tot nu toe niet gevoelig is voor luis of spint. Eind september in bloei ontvangen en bloeit nog steeds. Nog geen blaadje laten vallen.

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Bloemen-flowers Pavonia multiflora -  Brazilian candles
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  • In stock
  • Shipping in 2 to 4 business days