- Article number: PYRPYNA01
Pyrus pyrifolia Nashi has the following names; Asian pear, melon pear, sand pear, water pear, Japanese apple pear.
Furthermore, there are different types of this pear such as Nijisseiki, Shinseiki, Kumoi, Shinko, Kosui, Hayatama, Hosui etc.
The Pyrus pyrifolia Nashi is self-pollinating and the fruit tree gives good fruit.
But if you plant two copies, the fruit set is even more exuberant, but this is absolutely not necessary. This fruit also gives a lot of fruit with one plant.
We sell, among others, the Pyrus pyrifolia nashi Hosui, which gives a lot of fruit and ripens well in September. The fruits are also quite large.
We let them hang until at least mid-October and pick them if they are bronze-colored.
If you eat a nashi pear, the first thing to notice is that the bite is nice and crispy and it is a good thirst quencher, the water is probably running out of the mouth because they are full of juice.
The taste is wonderfully fresh and it resembles a combination of sweet pear, watermelon and lychee.
The fruits also smell nice and fresh.
Plucked fruits can be kept in a cool place for another 3 to 4 weeks (otherwise share with the neighbors, you will certainly make friends with this delicious fruit!).
If you have so much that fresh food can not be kept up, then they can also be used in all kinds of dishes by stewing and freezing or making jelly. There are several recipes on the internet.
Pruning is done in March if necessary and removing the ascending shoots.
In June when the nashipeer fruit grows on the tree, then leave 5 to 6 fruits on about 1 meter of fruit wood.
Remove the remaining ones, otherwise the branches become too heavy and the fruits will also remain smaller.
Winter hardiness zone 6a (-25ºC).